Let Your Child Take The Steps

Your child has to take the steps to success. No amount of parenting can help a child achieve goals that they are unwilling to achieve. As a parent, you need to guide them to success. At the same time, you will need to give them room to figure things out for themselves. Your children will make mistakes. Let them make them and own up to them. Children do not have instinct to rely on like animals in the wild. They can only learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately, that is the only way they will learn. By making mistakes, your child will take ownership of their goals. They will value their successes far more when they fully appreciate their failures.

Do not hyperbolize their failures. There are a lot of people in this world who have achieved amazing things after falling flat on their faces. Their failures are not their parents' failures. At the same time, parents must not relive their youth vicariously through their children. Parents are not going to school; their children are.